Friday, December 02, 2011
Running RED stop lights!
The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.
As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up..
He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.
After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.
He said, "I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, so naturally....I assumed you had stolen the car."
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
BoB - Bug out Bags
I read a few blog's about bugging out and survival when TSHTF or TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) and time after time I see people talking about how prepared they are.
How prepared is that? Let's use as an example one or more people go to their decided bug out area and set up house keeping, probably with maybe a tent or even a small camping trailer.
They have their fishing gear, their hunting gear even. How many people are prepared compared to the non-prepared ones? Pretty big ratio I'm sure. A few million in different stages of preparation for bad times vs ten's of millions not prepared at all. Yet, a large percentage of those people, when they start starving, are liable to kill you for the food you have.
It's possible that would or could take only one shot from a decent weapon, rifle or pistol/revolver.
An example: You've been at your bug out location for a week or so and one or more of "those" people sneak up on you and watch you for a few hours or days to see how you act.
Then, when they have it figured out, a .308 or 30-06 bullet through the old head sure makes for a headache.
Then they either bury you in a shallow grave and make themselves at home in your belongings, or they pack up what they want and take it to their bug out location. Possibly, if there is a woman as one of the "campers", they will "save" her for a while and use her as a sexual "toy" before they kill her. You need to be thinking of such things happening. Maybe they won't kill anyone, maybe they will just abuse them and after stripping them naked, take everything they own and leave them/you to die. You do think of how to prevent things like that, correct?
Because things like that already happen and TSHTF hasn't even happened yet.
I don't understand the people on the survival lists/blogs (most of them by far) talk about when TSHTF and or TEOTWAWKI as if they are going to go to some location and set up as if they were camping.
Most likely there will be no law enforcement for a long time and gangs will destroy whole cities and towns, burning many to the ground. Thousands, and finally, millions will end up dead.
And with 310+ million people in the country these days, it does not matter how well you think your bug out area it "secret" and or hidden. Others will have the same idea about it. And a lot of those 310+ million people do not even have one days food or water stored up. First will be the looting of food stores and the people looting them will be people who you thought were good people and would never do something like that. What happened to them? Something as simple as "They got hungry."
What kind of place would make a good bug out location? Well, out in the middle of a field where you can see for a half mile or more and nothing for those trying to sneak up on you to hide behind. Oh, wait. That isn't any good, no fish or anything to hunt out there in the middle of the field. Okay, in a canyon next to a creek/river full of fish with lots of trees and game to hunt. Easy for someone to sneak up on you then, and the creek/river noise will help prevent you from hearing the person/people doing the sneaking. That means one, two, or maybe 3 or 4 people won't have much of a chance keeping their "stuff" if someone else wants it.
If you do go to/get to your bug out location and set up like when you go camping, how are you going to prevent someone from doing that? (Taking your stuff)
You need to be thinking about that: How are you going to survive the bad guys?
Let's use, for example, that you get unlucky at your camp and a group attacks you and you kill a few of them and then several surrender. What are you going to do with them? Take their weapons and kick them in the ass and tell them to never come back? Can't do that, you would just about be guaranteeing they would be back at some time in the future and would bring enough of their buddies to make sure you were killed.
No, there is only one thing to do when a group attacks you, and that is to make sure all are dead when it is over. Surrender or not, they did make a choice when they decided to attack you and they all need to be removed from being a threat to you and your loved ones. When they make a decision to attack you, they are showing you they are not good people and that they are a threat to all good people.
Or, they surrender, you take their weapons and kick them in the ass. Maybe within minutes or hours they have killed others who maybe weren't able to protect themselves as well as you could. Those deaths are your fault. You could have prevented them by killing the bad guys.
There are going to be a lot of good people killed before they figure that out. Figured out that when they see bad people, that the bad people need to be prevented from killing. The only way to do that after TSHTF or TEOTWAWKI will be to kill them.
Until the good people get that straight in your/their head, that there will be a lot of two legged animals walking around out there after TSHTF who will kill for something to eat, then the length of time you "survive" might not be too long.
It is not going to be good times after TSHTF or TEOTWAWKI.
Are you mentally ready to kill to keep living so that when you need to pull the trigger you can to protect yourself and loved ones. It is not going to be easy.
And once you kill a fellow human protecting yourself or loved ones, you will probably end up having nightmares about it for months or years that you will have to live with also.
In the 1970's, I heard of a couple of different groups known as "survivalists", one is Southern Oregon and another in Northern Idaho. Although the people in Idaho seemed to be white and were called White Supremacists. And most thought of them as whacko's.
Today, it is different, doing a Google search for "survival blog" returns 210,000,000 (yes, 210 million) websites or pages devoted to survival. Survival and being prepared is not a dirty thing anymore. It is the smart thing to be doing.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Checking Out, a look at the life of Catherine Graves
Well, UPS brought Catherine Graves book to me today (05/25/11) with the title of "Checking Out". It is about how she seen life through her eyes when she finally figured out her most loved husband John would be dead shortly from a brain tumor.
How she survived going through that part of her life (NOT well) and the year or so after that, while she struggled to get back on her two feet, finally figuring out she had two children to care for and a business to run.
She just about crawled down a hole and pulled it in after herself, but loved ones would NOT let her do that.
On her road to recovery, she was misfortune enough to run into a shark-sleezebag of a person masquerading as a man. He proceeded to use her and abuse her greatly as such beings are known to do, driving some of her long time friends off never to return... because she wouldn't open her eyes and SEE how she was being used by a dishonest person. After a year of that she finally got on the road to recovery and got reconnected with her family, her son and daughter.
I highly recommend it, it has more than several places in the book where the ink didn't print clearly, leaving it blurry so I could hardly read it. And then I figured out there was nothing wrong with the printing, that it was my eyes that were blurry from the tears in them. Once I wiped the tears away the print was clear again.
So, yes, it does have its tear jerker passages, making a person cry right along with Catherine and her dying husband, John.
She does well at making the book a smooth flowing story of her heartaches and how she finally returns to the living, crawling out of her self pity. It is a wonder that Catherine made it, it was touch and go for a while but finally seen the light that her children and friends did love and need her.
There ARE a few errors in the book, such as doubled paragraphs and such, or hiring a private detective a few pages apart, but still, it is an excellent read, and reads quickly. I really enjoy books that keep my attention and flow smoothly. Catherine has done well for her first book.
Hears hoping you are having a happy time in life again, Catherine. That you are loved and can love back again, starting with family and friends. Other people to love WILL come into your life, but do not try to rush it. I think that you possibly learned THAT lesson from Mr Sleezebag M. in your book.
I give it five stars, Catherine, Kudos!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
New Year!
Well, we seem to have survived 2010. Remember that the SHTF stuff that was supposed to happen in 2010? As far as most of us citizens are concerned, nothing much happened to/in our lives.
Hopefully, you are doing fine and that 2011 will be a great year for you.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
YES, finally, I got my Electric Salt and Pepper mills!
Time to put my manual crank grinder pepper mill away finally!
Trudeau Elite Graviti Salt and Pepper Mill Set - Item# 541149
That is a link to their demo. They are already sold out at Looks like I'm not the only one wanting a set. LOL
Buckyballs - ah, what a time taker!

Well, I gave a set of gold and a set of black Buckyballs to to one of my employees a couple nights ago, told him how expensive they were, so he had to stop at Fred Meyer and look. He told me yesterday, Wow, they want $38 per color for them. Yes. Expensive toy. At Buckyball's website they have them for $29.95 + $5.95 for shipping, and if you buy two sets of them they will ship them free. So, from Buckyball's themselves you can get two sets for $60 instead of the $78 Fred Meyer wants. is their website URL.
Jason said he went home after work the night I gave them to him and he said he sat down and played with them a few minutes and looked at the clock and THREE AND A HALF HOURS had gone by. LOL He said Jennifer (his wife) got frustrated playing with the second set of them, they wouldn't do what she wanted them to do. Hehehe.
I know I enjoy picking them up and playing with them. Make all kinds of designs with them. What a new toy I have to play with. So do Jennifer and Jason. Dumb Boss, always giving them things.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanksgiving Day has came and gone...
To top it off, the roof started leaking at the shop and the roofing people won't be over to look at it until Tuesday or Wednesday to see what they are going to do with it.
Jason and I have talked about that problem several times over the years and the BEST way to fix it would be put a 5/1 metal roof over the flat leaking tar one. Put the high part on the West side and could lay a foot or more insulation on the flat roof before putting the stringers up and screwing the metal on. Kill two birds with one stone. Could surely do it cheaper than putting on a new flat tar roof. I've been there over thirty-two years and that flat roof has had so many thousands of dollars spent on it in that length of time. Hello??? Anyone home??? This is Oregon. Flat roofs don't work here worth a dang.

If they would put a sloped metal roof with eight half joists it could be insulated to R-40 or higher and NO MORE LEAKS. Use white metal roofing, which will lower the temperature by a large sum. I remember when I re-roofed my house, replacing a black three tab roof with a white three tab roof. Pulling down the attic door at Noon and shooting both sides of the peak with the IR thermometer opened my eyes. The WHITE half was on the East side, so it had been heating up in the Sun all morning and the BLACK side was the West side and the Sun hadn't been shining on it very long at Noon. Even being white, it should have been MUCH hotter than the black side since it had had sun shining on it all morning.
I thought something was wrong, so done the same test several days in a row at different times of the day. NOPE. The temperature of the white roofed side on the bottom side, radiating heat into the attic was over THIRTY DEGREES cooler than the side of the roof covered in black.
Yet I see nine out of ten putting on a black or dark roof when they re-roof. It takes away YEARS of life from the roof when they use a darker color and dumps all that extra heat into the attic on top of that. How stupid is that? I'll stick with white roofs, thank you.
Monday, October 11, 2010
It never ceases to amaze me the number of people and businesses who do NOT know what FREE means.
Do YOU? What do YOU think FREE means?
For example, a blurb about getting some FREE Advil.
To get your coupon please provide us with the following information. To learn more about our use of your information and your rights, please consult our Privacy Policy.
Information about you and your family enables us to provide specially tailored offers and health information to your needs.
Look at that, the FREE sample is NOT free at all. If it WERE free, all they would need would be street address and zipcode. No name or ANYTHING else needed. In fact, since it IS just a coupon, it could be like any of the 'other' coupons on the Internet that are printable on your printer.
I have used that program before for coupons. It will only let you print the coupon one time, so with the Advil Free sample coupon it could be that SIMPLE. When 500,000 coupon's have been printed, it would stop letting them be printed.
They would NOT know who received any of the coupons or names or addresses. Nothing. The coupons WOULD be FREE.
They aren't now, they wish to know all that PRIVATE information about you, your family, maybe about your dog and cat too. Just a total ripoff. Not free at all.
Anytime you have to give ANYTHING to received something, then it is NOT free.
When you are walking down the street and walk up to someone and give them a dollar bill and walk off, then that WAS free. The INSTANT you ask even their name when you give it to them, it is no longer free. It is that simple. You asked them to repay YOU with something (their name in this case) before giving them the dollar.
Always a scam. Always a ripoff.
This website: I'll bet, of all the hundreds or thousands of supposed 'FREE' stuff listed on it, that there is not even ONE free item. They will ALL want at least your name or name and address/e-mail before they will send you their stuff. That is NOT free. Think about it, when it the last time YOU received something for free? I can't remember the last time I did. They always want info in exchange. NOT free at all.
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