My thoughts on his new game that is in Beta right now:
I'm going to forget I know you, Everett! Making such addictive fun.
I said the heck with it and read a "little" bit of the help file. That slowed me down, but makes it easier to play the game, dragging the different colors around and making them fit when you see how they go.
FOUR HOURS AND TWENTY MINUTES to play 8A twice. I am going to hide the CD and hide the programs on the computers and try to forget how you make such addictive FUN and turning it lose on the idiots like me who get hooked by the pretty colors and the thrill of making the logic sells (oops, that's for you, for me it is cells) work.
Flipitile wasn't for me...this one, ah, I think I will probably have to purchase KH, excellent time taker, excellent... EXCELLENT.
And put the following link to his website on my website:
Logic and Puzzle games for PC's
"Looks like a good link, thanks, Ken!"
Well, Everett, I've been playing your games since 1997 (Sherlock was the "hook" that got me started at a friends house there in Albany), and must say, I don't even want to know how many thousands of hours I have enjoyed them. Lifes pleasures don't need to be kept track of, they just need to be enjoyed.
You're doing good, young boy, you're doing good. It is good clean fun, and anything like your games that tax the mind is GOOD for a person. My kids (the poor little babies, still wet behind the ears) haven't ever seemed to enjoy logic type puzzles. I enjoyed figuring things out when I was a kid (still am, a kid that is!) growing up in the 50s and 60s. The boy who comes around the most, the oldest one who will be 40 in a couple months, is the one I talk to about lots of things. He seems to really be lacking in the common sense department sometimes. What else would be the reason he would watch TV instead of playing one of Everett's Logic Games?
I think, from what I see, IQ isn't as important as common sense in getting by in the world and figuring out logic type puzzles such as yours and Kris'. Common sense doesn't seem to be very common anymore. :( Kris Pixton, a fellow follower of Everett's games, also writes Logic Puzzles. You can find her games on her website at Kris has free trials of her games too.
Both write wonderful time taking logic games. Click the links, enjoy life!
I am looking for another employee and I think one of my requirements should probably be the fact they enjoy playing logic type games. My oldest employee freaks when a customer brings something in all tore apart that they want fixed and put back together. All it takes is a mind that enjoys logic. Go/no go, such a simple rule.
KH is a simple game (that's why I hear the error sound so much!) that draws me into going faster and faster, thus the errors.(yeah, yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses! LOGIC tells me going too fast makes me have errors, somehow, I just don't listen) And playing hour after the bookwork doesn't get done. I have to find someone to do some filing for me, a few hundred hours worth, ALL because of YOUR games, Everett!!! that is hasn't been done yet. Bought another file cabinet at Costco and it was delivered today, so I have to put your games aside for a little while and find someone who can use some money more than I want to save the money by doing the filing myself.
See how dangerous your games are, Everett? Need a different bumper sticker than the EAT/FISH/SLEEP. Need a new one that says: EAT/PLAY E-K GAMES/TRY TO GET A FEW MINUTES SLEEP ONCE IN A WHILE.
Good, writing this has kept me away from KH for 10 minutes and now I have to FORCE myself to go to the other end of the house, stopping at the kitchen to get something to eat for dinner and then on into the office to work on the books some more... before I ever think about playing KH again tonight.
I can't be remembering I have it on the computers that are in the office too... no, no, no, Ken. Work, work, work for a while, play later. :)
Thanks for a great game, Everett!