I use Google Alerts to show if anything new is happening on the www with different people things and one of them is for Ani, to see if she has updated her website and put some more photos on it. She told me she was, but no luck so far. I think Tracy is keeping her too busy, she has been complaining about that. She has to work for a change, not play all the time like she did when we were married for 6 and a half years.
<- a photo of Ani. Anyway, one popped up in the mail box that said:
Google Blogs Alert for: Ani Chevy
Greatest Story Ever Told: Corvette Skittles By Erica Pionke Now, the old Chevy dealership appears to be a Lexus dealership. The lot holds uniform row after uniform row of the rear end of the same exact SUVs, some in varying shades of gray. There is not a red car, or a yellow car, or even a white ... Greatest Story Ever Told - http://ericapionke.blogspot.com/ |
This as-it-happens Google Alert is brought to you by Google.
It being 0400 in the morning and me not being able to sleep from the pain, I clicked on the Greatest Story Ever Told - http://ericapionke.blogspot.com/ link and read Erica's story about growing up and falling in love with the concept of owning one of Americas only sports cars - a Corvette! Cruising through those two s-curves, checking out all the different colors of cars at the Chevy dealership, thinking of what wonderful feelings would be possible if her car were a Corvette.
She says she now is driving a Chevy Cavalier, a teal green one and that she calls it "The Crapalier". That is sad because no matter what car we drive, it is one of the most important things in our life for most of us. It is the way we get to work, to the store, the grocery store most of the time, but once in a while we have enough money to go to a "toy" store and buy a new "toy", whatever that may be for us. Everything from a new movie to watch to a camera to a gun or woodworking tool or welder or printer or computer or book to read or a dog or cat or even a Corvette.
When I was Erica's age I owned a 1963 Split Window Corvette Stingray. The '63 was the 1st Corvette Stingray. It was the Fuel Injected model. White with blue interior. That was sure a fun car to drive and the girls seemed to like it a lot. I too, noticed how a Corvette was different than other cars. You pick up a girl for a date in a 1961 Chevy 4 door with rust spots on it and she would sit clear over against the door until you got to the movie and it was the same on taking her home. And if you were lucky, you would get to kiss her cheek. But a few months later, picking her up in the Vette... it was a whole different story. A lot of complaining about the stupid console being in the way so she couldn't sit close enough to me and was it okay if she rested her hand on my leg and was I sure I wanted to go to the movie? Why not just go to my place and we could figure out something to do there. Yes, Corvettes are pretty cool the way some girls relate to them. Guess I should ask Erica if it works that way for girls with guys when she is driving a Corvette.
Yikes, it is after 0600 and time to think about work today. I have to make up some signs to put on the door that the shop will be closed thursday - sunday for New Years so my employees can have a nice weekend. I did that for them for Christmas too, besides giving them each a 28 inch monitor for their computers for Christmas. Just part of my thanking them for being great employees.
Did any of you get a 28 inch monitor for your computer system? I have an extra one here for my girlfriend still sealed in the box... but, alas, no girlfriend. I'm going to have to work on that!
Have a great New Year everyone!
...and thanks Erica, for stirring my memories up of when I was your age, driving around in my white Corvette.
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