Tuesday, November 10, 2009
TED - The Energy Detective 5000
They have the 1000 series and the 5000 series. Top of the line is $309.00
* About TED
* TED 1000 Series
* TED 5000 Series
* TED 5000 Overview
* TED 5000 Features
* TED 5000 Live Demo
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See TED 5000 in action!
"Smart Meters" are designed primarily for the electric utility industry so they can better manage the supply-and-demand of electricity. TED is designed specifically for the consumer, so that one can better manage the use and costs of electricity. TED puts YOU in charge.
The next generation in home energy monitoring, the TED 5000 Series provides all the benefits of the TED 1000 series along with a new look and improved functionality. Featuring a sleek handheld display unit and the brand new Gateway component, the TED 5000 system provides all the information any energy-conscious homeowner can dream of with added accessibility and feedback!
The complete TED 5000 system includes one Gateway, one pair of CTs, one MTU, and the optional TED 5000 Display. Users who choose to simply access their data via computer can opt for a display-free system.
Not sure which TED model's right for you? Compare the TED 5000 series to the TED 1000 series.
TED 5000 now works with Google PowerMeter !
Access data:
View your electricity usage from any Internet-connected device, including your mobile phone.
Display current and historical usage in easy-to-understand charts and graphs.
Find ways to reduce your electricity use and lower your monthly bills.
Click to go directly to the TED Store
© Copyright 2009 Energy, Inc.
Monday, November 09, 2009
We NEED a level playing field, NOW!
*That is it in a nutshell.*
That HAS to STOP.
We need to go back to/start with:
THIS is the United States. THESE are OUR rules.
IF you can not live by them. Then you are NOT going to like it here.
You can NOT bring YOUR rules here.
You MUST live by OUR rules.
If you can't, then you are NOT welcome HERE.
If you don't want to/can't live by OUR rules, then STAY in YOUR pigsty of a country.
By YOU coming HERE, you ARE admitting YOUR county is NOT a good place to live.
What a bunch of idiots, they don't like their country the way it is, BUT, they come here and try to make OUR county like their's is.
We NEED to go back to 1950 rules or something, to when we could leave our houses unlocked, the keys in the ignition, people UNDERSTANDING what NO TRESPASSING or PRIVATE PROPERTY meant. That if you didn't own it, LEAVE IT ALONE.
---End Quote---
Dear Oregon Vet,
Scarecrow has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Obama admits he is a muslim - in the Off-Topic forum of USA Carry.
now that would be awesome! if only it were possible. try going to another country and getting offended that things are not the way they are in america and see what they tell you. guess what? you'd be screwed!
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Isn't health insurance great! It goes up $100 a year.
Hello, wake up people. Doesn't this story remind you of YOUR insurance payments? LOL I received a letter already that "with a 1% tax on health insurers and a floating assessment on hospitals...." health insurers and hospitals WERE getting a 1% tax assessed on them. My letter says it IS on THEM. That means THEY are to pay it. They are all crooked, they have been told to pay it and the next line tells me: To bad, stupid, we ARE adding it to YOUR bill. You WILL pay it, NOT us. Hahahaha. And they showed my bill was $522.00 a month and the NEW bill where I pay THEIR tax makes MY bill $527.20 a month. (yes, I noticed that, it isn't $527.22, weird)
That should be STOPPED right now. The insurance companies should be paying it out of their millions/billions $ in profits. The letter I received CLEARLY states the tax is on THEM, not on us policy payers. It does NOT say to collect a 1% tax from the policy holders. So WHY are they?
Because they CAN. If we say anything, they will drop our policy is the way they work.
In the mean time, WE pay THEIR tax.
Let me tell you, it is REALLY hard to pay those outrageous bills making 12-$15 an hour. It takes every last dime and I hope I don't have an emergency come up where I have to buy something for the car or house. But, I am rich compared to a lot of people. Last month, take home was $1952.
House pmt 700, house ins 67, taxes 165, car ins 34, elec 85, NW gas 87, water/sewer 27, garbage 27, phone 26, www & TV 57, health ins 522, drugs 180: TOTAL $1977.00 I'm $25 in the hole and no gasoline in the car, no food in the kitchen. I'm hoping for a .25 cent raise, giving me about $43 more a month. Still going to have to work two jobs. $15 USED to be GOOD money. Now it doesn't even pay the bills. I need to find a spouse, someone who is working. Or I will end up with nothing. Over 1/4th of my take home goes to pay for health insurance and they want MORE, MORE, all the time.
Well, I wrote the above on 03 November 2009 and on 05 November 2009 I received my NEW, IMPROVED bill for my health insurance.
Hello Ken,
We are so HAPPY to tell you your monthly bill for your health insurance has had a SMALL increase. Instead of that $522 a month going to the $527.20 a month we have decided you are such a NICE guy, your new bill IS: $629.00 a month. Since you pay three months at a time, send us a check for $1,887.00.
Hey, don't worry about it, it is no big deal to us, either send it or go without health insurance, WE DON'T CARE.
YES, we KNOW you paid $327 a month for insurance in 2006-2007 and in 2007-2008 you paid $418 a month and in 2008-2009 you paid $522 a month, and that NOW, you are so LUCKY you get to pay us $629 a month for NO increase in benefits.
That from 06/07 to 07/08 was a 27.82% markup BUT,
from 07/08 it was ONLY a 24.88% markup!! AND,
from 08/09 it was AGAIN LESS, only a 20.49% markup!!
Isn't that GREAT!! Only 20.49% change this year!!
Oh, your wages only went up 3%? Well, that ISN'T our fault. Why, with a 3% markup, your monthly bill would have only changed from $522 to $537. ONLY $15 a month. That was NO good. We NEEDED $107 a month MORE to pay for OUR employees raises and company picnics and Christmas party. There are a LOT of things we have to pay for, so we RAISE your rates enough to pay for them. NONE of OUR employees are STUPID enough to work for $15 an hour like you are.
Tell your tightwad Boss to give you a $1.00 raise per hour EVERY YEAR, that way, your insurance raise is covered. $1.00 an hour is no big deal for him to pay. Yeah, you DESERVE it, it doesn't matter if the company isn't making enough to pay you the raise, he NEEDS to pay it anyway. If that is the straw that broke the camels back, TOUGH LUCK. Who cares if he goes out of business. You can go get a GOOD job then!!
What a great story, eh? Oh, there ARE a LOT of people paying that much for insurance... and Obama wants EVERYONE to to have insurance...
WHERE is the money going to come from? Will the above person (who makes $15 an hour) have to pay MORE yet for his insurance to cover those who don't even work?
Oh, you don't work? NO PROBLEM, WE WILL GIVE YOU FREE HEALTH INSURANCE!! Who will PAY for it? Who knows? We DON'T care. We are the government, we will just PRINT more MONEY! LOL It is that easy!
Who cares if MORE people lose their jobs, we will GIVE them FREE health insurance. :) Isn't that just GREAT!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Consumers will give their right arm to get their hands on the new BlackBerry Curve 8900, but you will have to wait until February 11. Just to make you sick, your business friend will be getting their hands on one on January 19, which is absolute torture.
For what? I have an employee that gets a new phone at least once a year and sometimes more often. A phone is to talk on.
I guess it is like people who buy a new car every year, for what, I don't know. Maybe they have too much money? I sure don't understand it. I may get a new phone this year with a PDA in it, but that would be the only reason and I don't have to change PDAs every year either. My PDA is 4-5 years old (I'm not close to it right now to see the date on it when I bought it).
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Not religious but goes to church? For what?
Location | Milwaukie, Oregon | Within 100 miles of Milwaukie, Oregon |
Marital Status | No Answer | Any |
Living Situation | Alone | Alone, With kids, With roommate(s), Family and friends visit often |
Has Kids | Yes - but not at home | Any |
Wants (more) Kids | No | No |
Religion | Spiritual but not religious | Any |
Attends Services | Rarely | Any |
Languages Spoken | English | English |
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Really glad Obama gave them the go ahead to take care of it. They need to make that a scorched earth over there for those pirates. Make them open season. After a few hundred are killed they may get the idea the world doesn't think much of pirates.
But... I think the world has too many bleeding hearts that it will never happen. :( We need to start doing that, all over the world. If people start acting like animals, then there should be no problem with killing them. Same with that sunday school teacher, if they find she did in fact rape and kill that little 8 year old girl, put her in the ground within the month.
Why do we warehouse all these bad people? Just kill them.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Gore and his bs about global warming...
More Scientists Rip Global Warming Hysteria
Amid reports that President Barack Obama's climate plan could cost industry close to $2 trillion, 59 additional scientists skeptical of the threat of manmade global warming have been added to the U.S. Senate Minority Report on climate change.
They bring the total to more than 700 scientists from around the world who have spoken out against the hysteria created by Al Gore and other global warming alarmists, according to a statement issued by the office of Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, ranking Republican on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
The latest Minority Report includes 300 scientists and climate researchers who have been added to the list since the initial report’s release in December 2007.
Many of the 59 additional scientists are affiliated with prestigious institutions including NASA, the U.S. Navy and Air Force, the Defense Department, Energy Department, Princeton University, Tulane University, the U.S. Naval Academy and the EPA.
“Unfortunately, climate science has become political science,” said award-winning Princeton physicist Dr. Robert Austin, a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.
He told the minority staff on the Committee on March 2: “It is tragic that some perhaps well-meaning but politically motivated scientists who should know better have whipped up a global frenzy about a phenomenon which is statistically questionable at best.”
Dr. Anastasios Tsonis of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee said the global temperature “has flattened and is actually going down. We are seeing a new shift toward cooler temperatures that will last for probably about three decades.”
As Newsmax.com reported, Obama's climate plan could cost industry nearly three times the $646 billion over eight years that the White House initially estimated for the so-called "cap-and-trade" legislation.
The plan seeks to reduce pollution by setting a limit on carbon emissions and allowing businesses and groups to buy allowances, although exact details have not been released.
But Dr. Diane Douglas, a climatologist who has worked for the Department of Energy, declared: “The recent ‘panic’ to control GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions and billions of dollars being dedicated for the task has me deeply concerned that the U.S. and other countries are spending precious global funds to stop global warming, when it is primarily being driven by natural forcing mechanisms.”
Among other comments from scientists included in the report:
“I am appalled at the state of discord in the field of climate science . . . There is no observational evidence that the addition of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have caused any temperature perturbations in the atmosphere.”
— Award-winning atmospheric scientist Dr. George T. Wolff, a former member of the EPA’s Science Advisory Board who served on a committee of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
“The sky is not burning, and to claim that it is amounts to journalistic malpractice . . . The press only promotes the global warming alarmists and ignores or minimizes those of us who are skeptical.”
— Dr. Mark L. Campbell, a professor of chemistry at the U.S. Naval Academy.
“The cause of these global changes is fundamentally due to the sun and its effect on the Earth as it moves about in its orbit, not from man-made activities.”
— Retired NASA atmospheric scientist Dr. William W. Vaughan, recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Medal.
Friday, March 20, 2009
And yet another SCAM...
Good reading, lots of people getting sucked in by this scam. Same type of deal as the money from Google scam.
Easy to read blog, from their ABOUT page:
This blog focuses on helping people with a variety of issues, from how to turn on a Zune, to overcoming video game addiction. And in between is the gamut of topics, such as conspiracy theories, the Bible, believers, non-believers, politics, UFO’s, random thoughts, gambling (pro and con!), alcohol (pro and con), addiction, self-help, weight loss, making money… you name it, and it’s here.
And recently the focus has been on exposing internet scams or questionable advertising practices. I’ve been in(sic) the advertising business for 20 years, so I’ve seen it all. I’ve been called as a witness to testify against false advertisers. And most important - I’ve known people who were hurt by online scammers. These cons are greedy and lazy. They try to take a shortcut to profits by simply lying, instead of working hard to make an honest buck.
So get out of bed, get a clue, and have breakfast with the rest of us who are already awake. It’s not too late.
We’re serving waffles today.
And it’s only noon.
Friday, February 13, 2009
More intelligent people contributing to the gene pool...
Some guy bought a new fridge for his house. To get rid of his old fridge, he put it in his front yard and hung a sign on it saying: 'Free to good home. You want it, you take it.' For three days the fridge sat there without even one person looking twice at it. He eventually decided that people were too un-trusting of this deal.
It looked too good to be true, so he changed the sign to read: 'Fridge for sale $50.'
The next day someone stole it!
***They walk amongst us!***
While looking at a house, my brother asked the estate agent which direction was north because, he explained, he didn't want the sun waking him up every morning. She asked, 'Does the sun rise in the north?' When my brother explained that the sun rises in the east, and has for sometime, she shook her head and said, 'Oh, I don't keep up with that stuff'
***They Walk Among Us!!***
My colleague and I were eating our lunch in our cafeteria, when we overheard one of the administrative assistants talking about the sunburn she got on her weekend drive to the beach. She drove down in a convertible, but 'didn't think she'd get sunburned because the car was moving'.
***They Walk Among Us!!!!***
My sister has a lifesaving tool in her car it's designed to cut through a seat belt if she gets trapped in a wreck. She keeps it in the trunk.
***They Walk Among Us!!!!!***
I was hanging out with a friend when we saw a woman with a nose ring attached to an earring by a chain. My friend said, 'Wouldn't the chain rip out every time she turned her head?' I had to explain that a person's nose and ear remain the same distance apart no matter which way the head is turned...
***They Walk Among Us!!!!!!! ***
I couldn't find my luggage at the airport baggage area. So I went to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that my bags never showed up. She smiled and told me not to worry because she was a trained professional and I was in good hands. 'Now,' she asked me, 'Has your plane arrived yet?'...
(I work with professionals like this.)
***They Walk Among Us!!!!!!!!***
While working at a pizza parlour I observed a man ordering a small pizza to go. He appeared to be alone and the cook asked him if he would like it cut into 4 pieces or 6. He thought about it for some time before responding. 'Just cut it into 4 pieces; I don't think I'm hungry enough to eat 6 pieces.
***Yep, They Walk Among Us, too.!!!!!!!!
Sadly, not only do they walk among us, they also reproduce !!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
They walk among us...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Isn't that the truth!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Logic Games are addictive!
My thoughts on his new game that is in Beta right now:
I'm going to forget I know you, Everett! Making such addictive fun.
I said the heck with it and read a "little" bit of the help file. That slowed me down, but makes it easier to play the game, dragging the different colors around and making them fit when you see how they go.
FOUR HOURS AND TWENTY MINUTES to play 8A twice. I am going to hide the CD and hide the programs on the computers and try to forget how you make such addictive FUN and turning it lose on the idiots like me who get hooked by the pretty colors and the thrill of making the logic sells (oops, that's for you, for me it is cells) work.
Flipitile wasn't for me...this one, ah, I think I will probably have to purchase KH, excellent time taker, excellent... EXCELLENT.
And put the following link to his website on my www.KenChevy.com website:
Logic and Puzzle games for PC's
"Looks like a good link, thanks, Ken!"
Well, Everett, I've been playing your games since 1997 (Sherlock was the "hook" that got me started at a friends house there in Albany), and must say, I don't even want to know how many thousands of hours I have enjoyed them. Lifes pleasures don't need to be kept track of, they just need to be enjoyed.
You're doing good, young boy, you're doing good. It is good clean fun, and anything like your games that tax the mind is GOOD for a person. My kids (the poor little babies, still wet behind the ears) haven't ever seemed to enjoy logic type puzzles. I enjoyed figuring things out when I was a kid (still am, a kid that is!) growing up in the 50s and 60s. The boy who comes around the most, the oldest one who will be 40 in a couple months, is the one I talk to about lots of things. He seems to really be lacking in the common sense department sometimes. What else would be the reason he would watch TV instead of playing one of Everett's Logic Games?
I think, from what I see, IQ isn't as important as common sense in getting by in the world and figuring out logic type puzzles such as yours and Kris'. Common sense doesn't seem to be very common anymore. :( Kris Pixton, a fellow follower of Everett's games, also writes Logic Puzzles. You can find her games on her website at http://www.kpixgames.com/ Kris has free trials of her games too.
Both write wonderful time taking logic games. Click the links, enjoy life!
I am looking for another employee and I think one of my requirements should probably be the fact they enjoy playing logic type games. My oldest employee freaks when a customer brings something in all tore apart that they want fixed and put back together. All it takes is a mind that enjoys logic. Go/no go, such a simple rule.
KH is a simple game (that's why I hear the error sound so much!) that draws me into going faster and faster, thus the errors.(yeah, yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses! LOGIC tells me going too fast makes me have errors, somehow, I just don't listen) And playing hour after hour...as the bookwork doesn't get done. I have to find someone to do some filing for me, a few hundred hours worth, ALL because of YOUR games, Everett!!! that is hasn't been done yet. Bought another file cabinet at Costco and it was delivered today, so I have to put your games aside for a little while and find someone who can use some money more than I want to save the money by doing the filing myself.
See how dangerous your games are, Everett? Need a different bumper sticker than the EAT/FISH/SLEEP. Need a new one that says: EAT/PLAY E-K GAMES/TRY TO GET A FEW MINUTES SLEEP ONCE IN A WHILE.
Good, writing this has kept me away from KH for 10 minutes and now I have to FORCE myself to go to the other end of the house, stopping at the kitchen to get something to eat for dinner and then on into the office to work on the books some more... before I ever think about playing KH again tonight.
I can't be remembering I have it on the computers that are in the office too... no, no, no, Ken. Work, work, work for a while, play later. :)
Thanks for a great game, Everett!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Lost over $200,000.00 in wages in 19 years of work.
One million dollars in 19 years is $52,631.58 every year.
So her wages were only (on an average) $42,105.26 for every one of those 19 years.
Why don't they write articles about MOST of the working people who only make $20-$25,000.00 a year?
Now what is going to happen is fewer women will get management positions since the companies are going to be paying what they could hire a man for, they will hire a man for the job.
Hummm, I wonder how even the pay is in women owned companies right now? That would be an interesting datum! Wonder how many multimillion dollar companies owned by women have equal pay for equal work right now?
Anybody comment?
Obama signs bill making equal-pay lawsuits easier
By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama signed an equal-pay bill into law Thursday before cheering labor and women leaders who fought hard for it and the woman whose history-making lawsuit gave impetus to the cause.
Obama, choosing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act as the first bill to sign as president, called it a "wonderful day" and declared that ending pay disparities between men and woman an issue not just for women, but for all workers.
With Ledbetter standing by his side, Obama said she lost more than $200,000 in salary, and even more in pension and Social Security benefits that she "still feels today." He then signed the measure that effectively nullifies a 2007 Supreme Court decision and makes it easier for workers to sue for discrimination by allowing them more time to do so.
"Making our economy work means making sure it works for everyone," Obama said. "That there are no second-class citizens in our workplaces, and that it's not just unfair and illegal — but bad for business — to pay someone less because of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion or disability."
Ledbetter said she didn't become aware of the large discrepancy in her pay until she neared the end of her 19-year career at a Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. plant in Gadsden, Ala, and she filed a lawsuit. But the high court held in a 5-4 decision that she missed her chance to bring the action.
First lady Michelle Obama, in a separate reception with Ledbetter in the State Dining Room, praised her courage and principles. "She knew unfairness when she saw it, and was willing to do something about it because it was the right thing to do — plain and simple," Mrs. Obama said.
Ledbetter said the richest reward is that because of the new law, the nation's daughters and granddaughters will have a better deal.
"That's what makes this fight worth fighting," Ledbetter said. "That's what made this fight one we had to win."
Earlier, the president appeared in a jammed East Room, and his entrance and many lines of his brief remarks were met with happy applause and yells.
He paid special tribute to Ledbetter, who fought for the bill even though it won't allow her to recover any money for herself.
And in the room were the living symbols of this fight: Nancy Pelosi, first woman speaker of the House, and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who took her pursuit of the presidency further than any other woman, even though she ultimately lost to Obama in the Democratic primary.
Of Ledbetter, Obama exclaimed: "This grandmother from Alabama kept on fighting, because she was thinking about the next generation."
Ledbetter became a regular feature in Obama's campaign for the White House, addressing the Democratic National Convention in Denver last year and traveling to Washington aboard Obama's train for the inauguration ceremonies. Obama spoke strongly in support of legislation to change the Supreme Court decision during his campaign and the Democratic-controlled Congress moved it to the top of the agenda for the new session that opened this month.
The high court said a person must file a claim of discrimination within 180 days of a company's initial decision to pay a worker less than it pays another worker doing the same job. Under the new bill, given final passage in Congress this week, every new discriminatory paycheck would extend the statute of limitations for another 180 days.
Congress attempted to update the law to extend the time, but the Bush White House and Senate Republicans blocked the legislation in the last session of Congress
Obama cited Census Bureau figures that women still receive only about 78 cents for every dollar that men get for doing equivalent jobs — "women of color even less," he said.
The measure, which amends the 1964 Civil Rights Act, also applies to discrimination based on factors such as race, religion, national origin, disability or age.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I just love those car insurance ads!
WOW, $539.30 for 6 months of coverage. I think I will stick with State Farm. For the SAME amount of coverage State Farm charges me $405.90... for the WHOLE year. That's right: $202.95 for SIX months.
$100 deductible Comprehensive
$500 deductible Collision
2002 S-10 4x4 Extended cab - loaded.
One time I called Costco since they are always saying how much I can save. I talked to a woman there and we discussed it and she said with all of the discounts and the very best driving record and everything, that the best she could do was within a dollar of so of what I am paying now.
So, the question is: Why are people paying so much for car insurance that they can save HUNDREDS of dollars by switching to one of these other companies?
Don't you feel bad, paying 2 or 3 times what you should be able to get insurance for? Ah, maybe you are just rich and don't care. That must be it.
We are pleased to provide you a personalized auto insurance quote from GEICO. Based on the information you provided NetQuote, your estimated* cost for GEICO auto insurance is:
$539.30 for 6 months of coverage.
To finish the process and receive a more precise GEICO rate quote, please review your quote on our website. There you will simply provide a little more info
As a smart consumer, you know how important it is to comparison shop for the best value on auto insurance. More than eight million drivers have chosen GEICO as their auto insurance company -- make GEICO your choice today.
We look forward to serving your insurance needs.
GEICO Internet Sales
Thursday, January 08, 2009

A worker brings carts back into a Walmart store in Westminster, Colorado in this August 14, 2008 file photograph. (Rick Wilking/Reuters)
We can see the employee is NOT in the store, that he is TAKING the carts back to the store. Are people really so stupid they don't know the difference between "bring" and "take"?
"Bring" things TO ME.
"Take" things TO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
Go and take go together.
Come and bring go together.
If we are at home, talking about you going to the store, a correct conversation would be:
Honey, TAKE the car to Wal-Mart and remember to TAKE enough money. BRING me back some Fugi apples if they are on sale. TAKE some to Sally too, if you drive by her house on the way home. Suzi said she wanted us to BRING her some cat food the next time we went to the store, so don't forget to TAKE some cat food to her.
The bank wanted us to BRING in our copy of the contract for the car, so don't forget to TAKE that with you too.
Looking at photos I see one of the inhaler I had just bought at my local Bi-Mart pharmacy in Salem here. But I paid $19.00 using my insurance. And I see:

Environmentally-friendly HFA asthma rescue inhalers hit shelves this week to replace CFC-based inhalers, which will not be available after Dec. 31 per an FDA mandate. Walmart's HFA rescue inhalers start at $9.
(PRNewsFoto/Wal-Mart Stores, Inc)I will have to check that out. Always someway us poor people are paying too much, it seems. I don't know if the box he is holding is the $9 one or not. It IS showing a box like the one I bought for $19. I'll have to TAKE that up with them the next time I go to the pharmacy, can't forget to BRING it to their attention.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Recession time...
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Where I stand on issues...
Go register and give YOUR opinions on how messed up the world is and what should be done.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
What a stoopid quiz to take.
Your Score Summary
Overall, you scored as follows:
99% scored higher (more stupid),
1% scored the same, and
0% scored lower (less stupid).
You are 0% stupid. This means...
You use your mind a lot, you find the world interesting. You must meet a lot of stupid people. Doesn't that get boring? Wow! Maybe you should take a stupid pill so you could fit in with most of the other test takers!
At least 99% scored higher than I did. Yahoo!
Has lots of easy questions like:
What is the total of 1-19? Well, that is really simple, just add a zero and get the answer of 190. Or 1-199 would be add 2 zero's and get 19,900 as the answer. Smaller than 1-30=?? questions are easy to do in your head. Don't know how to do them in your head? Ask me how I do them in my head.
Or how many states of the 48 US states border the Pacific Ocean? Three of course.
They don't ask you to name the fourteen states that border the Atlantic Ocean.
Or things like:is the top color of a rainbow red? Yes.
Click the Icon, take the test. It is a fun little test. Only takes a couple minutes to take it. The questions will make you smile, they are so simple.